What Are Your Weaknesses?

What Are Your Weaknesses?

Never say you are a Workaholic, a Perfectionist, etc. because it sounds negative. Try to convert these negative biased qualities into positive ones. For example, in place of Workaholic you can say you are a hard worker and always willing to work for extra hours.In place of Perfectionist, you can say you are detail oriented and like to set high standard for work.

“Try to specify your weakness as your strength and also highlight it as a benefit.”

Your answers can be:

1) One of my weaknesses as I perceive is occasional compromise on time for quality and perfection.

2) I feel I am not very detail-oriented. I’m a person that wants accomplish as much as possible. I realized this hurts quality and therefore I‘m trying hard to find a balance between quality and quantity.
3) At times even when I need help, I try to solve my own problems instead of asking a co-worker who might know the answer. This would save me more time and I would be more efficient. I’m working on knowing when it would be beneficial to ask for help.

4) I've been told a few times I'm too much detail oriented. I do make it a practice of checking my work at least once or twice to make sure that it's absolutely accurate.

5) I believe one of my weaknesses is my impatience. Whenever I work in a team and any of the team members don’t perform up to the expectation, I get impatient and annoyed. I understand if they are working hard and if their portion is difficult, but sometimes a person can’t do the assignment due to incompetence and laziness. I know I can help out by explaining things to some people and encouraging lazy people by reminding them of deadlines. I know it’s bad to be impatient, but I’m definitely working on it.

There’s a saying –

“However small the thorn maybe it has the ability to pierce.”

So never highlight your weakness unless specifically asked.

- Based on which weakness, should we reject you ?

Since I have identified my own weaknesses, you may be assured that I am constantly working on them to get them reduced day by day. And i am confident in the near futuremost of my weaknesses may not be there at all. So I strongly believe that you shouldn't reject me for any of my weakness.

Are Your Strengths?

Are Your Strengths?
This is a simple and popular interview question. Generally people answer it in two ways. There are people who simply state their strength like “I am Young, Dynamic, Intelligent, Smart and so on…”. Such answer is neither right nor wrong but does not help u in any way also.Secondly there are peoples who state their strengths and explain them how he can use his strength for the job and industry.

Do not simply state your strength. Everyone has some strength, all you need is to convert them into benefits. In short, try to advertise yourself by converting your features into strengths.

Your answers can be : -

1) I am a hard worker and because of this ability I can work for additional hours to accomplish my tasks.I am commitment oriented and hence I always enjoy the trust and confidence of my team mates which enables me to perform my duties very easily.

2) I am adaptable, so I can handle any type of people and situations and also bring out the best from them in spite of conflicting situations or opinions. I am a quick learner, so I can any subject quickly and analyze my job and add value to it as well as I can identify the problem and solve them faster and better.

3) My strength is that I have very strong values and ethics and a very good eye for detail. I believe in strong relationships and have a very supportive family and very good friends.

4) I’ve always been a great team player and therefore I can work efficiently to produce quality work in a team environment.I can accomplish a large amount of work within a short period of time hence I get things done on time.
Difference between Smart Worker and Hard Worker:

"A hard worker always do right things but a smart worker always put things right."

- If you are interviewed for a managerial position or for an admission in a MBA College,

Your answer can be:

“Well, I believe I am good at planning and execution, and working with people. I’ve always been good at detailing all the steps too. Even in college, I used to spend time organizing my week and planning a strategy to tackle each class and assignment. I love working in a team environment where I try to use strengths of each individual in a team and hence produce the best results.”


- Tell me on the basis on which strength should we select you?

As an individual, I am a package of all my strengths that I have stated to you and I strongly believe that if you have to select me, you have to do so for all my strengths put together and not for one strength in isolation. However if you still insist that you would like to select me for a specific strength than the prerogative is yours sir.

Tell Me Something About Yourself

Try to introduce some of your most important employment-oriented skills as well as your education and accomplishments to the interviewer. Answer to this question is very important because it positions you for the rest of the interview. That's why this statement is often called the " Positioning Statement".

One should take the opportunity to show his/her communication skills by speaking clearly and concisely in an organized manner. Since there is no right or wrong answer for this question hence it is important to appear friendly.

The answers can be:

1) I am a person with strong interpersonal skills and have the ability to get along well with people. I enjoy challenges and looking for creative solutions to problems.

2)Besides the details given in my resume, I believe in character values, vision and action. I am quick in learning from mistakes. I am confident that the various tests that you have conducted will corroborate my competencies aptitude and right attitude for the job.

3) I attended *wherever* where I majored in *wherever*. My hobbies include basketball, reading novels and hiking. I’m an easy going person that works well with everyone. I enjoy being around different types of people and I always like to challenge myself to improve at everything I do.

4) I went to *wherever*,where I majored in *wherever*. Afterwards, I started my career at *wherever* as a software engineer in *wherever*. I’ve been there for 3 years now. I love solving riddles and puzzles and I also enjoy jogging, reading and watching movies.

Télécharger lettre de motivation emploi dans une pépiniere

Bruno Martin
Carrefour du Rendez-Vous
40200 Mimizan
Tél :

Madame C.
Pépinières C.
40200 Mimizan
Mont-de-Marsan, le…


J’aurai bientôt 18 ans et je passe presque tous les jours à vélo devant vos
Veuillez agréer, Madame, l’expression de ma très sincère considération.


Télécharger lettre de motivation technicien(enne) de labo

Sophie Durand
15, boulevard de Barcelone
66 000 Perpignan
Tél : 04 00 00 00 00

Madame X
Laboratoire Médical L…
Objet : annonce parue dans la
« Revue Française des Laboratoires ».
Perpignan, le

Vous êtes à la recherche d’une technicienne de laboratoire capable de vous assister
dans vos travaux de paillasse ? Rencontrons-nous.
Je me permettrai de vous téléphoner rapidement afin de convenir d’un rendez-vous.
Je vous prie de croire, Madame, à l’expression de ma considération distinguée.


Télécharger lettre de motivation poste expert comptable

Bruno Martin Orléans, le
29, rue de Lille
45 000 Orléans
Tél : 02 00 00 00 00

Cabinet d’expertise-comptable C…

A l’attention de Monsieur F……

La diversité de la clientèle de votre société d’expertise-comptable nécessite, de






Dans cette attente, veuillez agréer, Monsieur, l’expression de mes
salutations distinguées.

Télécharger reponse à une offre d'emploi opticien

Bruno Martin
32, Quai de la Vilaine
35 000 Rennes
Tél : 02 00 00 00 00

Monsieur T…
Société O…
Rennes, le

Votre entreprise conçoit et utilise des procédés optiques à la pointe de la
technologie. ***
Dans l’attente de cet entretien, veuillez agréer, Monsieur, l’assurance de mes
respectueuses salutations.

Télécharger Lettre de réponse à une offre d'emploi

S....... DUPONT
31 rue du Chemin Vert
75 011 Paris
Paris le ......

A l'attention de M ......
Entreprise A
Adresse entreprise
objet : réponse à l'annonce n°***
Madame, Monsieur,
Votre annonce du 1er novembre dernier a retenu mon attention et me semble
coïncider aussi bien avec mon profil qu'avec mes ambitions.
Dans l'espoir d'un futur entretien, veuillez recevoir, Monsieur, l'expression de mes salutations sincères.

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